Notes from the River Road, March 2023
Happy Spring to All My Art-loving Friends! Even though it’s barely March, it won’t be long before we begin to see trees budding and flowers popping up.
Happy Spring to All My Art-loving Friends! Even though it’s barely March, it won’t be long before we begin to see trees budding and flowers popping up.
Beginner Pastel Drawing – Learning to draw is simply learning how to see! Hand Printing – A fun way to learn various techniques to inspire your creativity!
Welcome to my January, 2022, blog post! In addition to posting on my website, I am planning to send out occasional posts by email to all my creative friends who make marks on paper or canvas or on other sorts of materials; or those who make music, sing, sew or appreciate all creativity!
The best conversation I had that evening, and the most interesting conversation I have had for a long time, was with an
Travel has always inspired me and informed my art.
A serendipitous moment in a public library led me to discover one of the best art instructors I have ever had.